Intracranial pressure (ICP) is a fundamental physiological parameter that is vital for maintaining a normal central nervous system function. Despite the importance of ICP, it is poorly understood and under researched. Consequently, current treatments for elevated ICP are either highly invasive neurosurgeries or non-specific treatments with broad side effect profiles. Moreover, the interplay between ICP and other physiological parameters is unclear. More research is required to understand the regulation of ICP, the role of different physiological states and the effect of xenobiotics on ICP.
Here, Connar describes his work on understanding rodent ICP and the effect of different physiological states. He focuses on understanding the importance of measuring ICP in a truly physiological setting unhindered by tethering, sedation, and anesthesia. Secondly, he discusses his work on describing the role of obesity on ICP. Finally, he defines the effects of drug proposed to modulate ICP. His analysis focuses not just on absolute ICP measurements, but also ICP feature analysis and how this is clinically relevant.

Key Leaning Objectives:

  • Why is intracranial pressure (ICP) an important physiological parameter to understand?

  • What are the benefits of telemetric ICP recording vs traditional ICP recording methods?

  • Understand what normal is ICP in a rats and how this differs from humans.

  • How do different physiological states alter ICP?

  • Do current pharmacotherapeutic drugs to reduce ICP pharmacologically work?

Connar Westgate, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow, Danish Headache Center, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup, University of Copenhagen
Connar completed his PhD studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. His PhD studies focused on metabolic and endocrine phenotyping of idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Upon completion of his PhD in 2019, he moved to the Danish Headache Center on a post-doc fellowship. Here, his research has focused on understanding intracranial pressure.
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